Wedding of my beloved

— Petra & Peti

We feel it’s so easy, yet very tough to write these few lines about Peter, or how he’s called in our hearts – Csipi. On the one hand, it’s easy, since he has no flaws. We have known from the beginning that we have the perfect man standing by us, who has a great sense of humor and is maximally precise. We enjoyed his uttermost attention and care at all our meetings and beyond: he even rang us at times to ask about how we felt and make sure we feel at ease. On the big day he immediately did his best and earned our guests’ trust straight away. On the other hand, it’s tough – how could one possibly sum up years of high-school experience and wedding preparation so briefly?

We would love to tell you all the funny stories of him, what he was like as our mentor teacher, and eventually how he became our friend. We can recommend him to anybody! And Cs, we love you very much!

— Petra & Peti
— Harriet & Max
Virag & Stephen —