United we love

— Dorka & Alex

I absolutely love international weddings, I can even say they are my favorite. Locals and guests from abroad are both eager to show the others how today is all about loving the newlyweds and sharing this amazing experience togerher.

Friends of Dorka and Alex made the trip to Columbus, Budapest from all over the world to celebrate them. I will never forget how happy it made us that our differences in nationalities and religions did not matter today. For example it is nice to wear something red at weddings in China, whereas some others keep speeches, which tend to be on the longer side. We got something great from all cultures, and that is what unified us in this coherent collective fun, which was this wedding party.

Peter is super responsive and it was really easy to get help from him to plan the wedding even though we were in a different country. He made sure that every detail is well planned and on the wedding day he made some adjustments according to our needs and the flow of the night. Our friends also loved his performance. I think everyone had a great time and most importantly we had an amazing day and night which he made even better.

— Dorka & Alex
— Harriet & Max
Virag & Stephen —