Turning up the pace

— Lola & Dávid

Lola and David are a wonderfully cheerful couple with lots of creative ideas and solutions. They are never hesitant to jump right in the fun or turn up the pace. I absolutely loved it in them that they are so amazing with their emotions and they let everyone feel what’s in their heart.

That’s why their wedding could go so smooth because they could always feel the vibe and never meant to stop loving each other. What’s more, they even had a lot to share with the rest of us. It was a great pleasure for me to help them achieve their dreams and also for their dear guests who were all smiles and happiness in their celebration today at Nádas.

Peter made our wedding feel like a fairy tale. Not only did we and all our guests love him to the moon and back, but he proactively helped us in the planning phase like a professional. We are extremely grateful. You should book him now – he never disappoints.

— Lola & Dávid
— Harriet & Max
Virag & Stephen —