Tuscan Rapture

— Stefi & Gergő

Everything went to plan, not only on our wedding day, but on the road we took together, too. Peter put huge emphasis on our personal meetings in order customize his thoughts, but was available for our phone calls any time we preferred. This proved to be of immense help for us. Based on his experience Peter showed us many different alternatives to the way we built our script together, thus he made sure we make the best calls to serve our needs. He didn’t even break a sweat hearing our last minute changes! Peter took off all the burdens off our shoulders and thus we could concentrate on our special day together. We are extremely grateful for all of that!

Peter was a great joy to work with, so if you want your wedding day to go completely to plan and you also like your details and careful planning, then we are all in for Peter for you!

— Stefi & Gergő
— Harriet & Max
Virag & Stephen —