We met Peter 4 years ago at a wedding and we immediately decided that we would also like to book him for our own wedding in the future. Now few weeks after our big day I have to say we made the best choice imaginable back then and also last year when we first contacted him.
Peter was super-flexible and helpful in everything, he told us his honest opinion of things and made our lives easier in every means possible. He was phenomenal during the day and the meetings prior to our ceremony. We could discuss all our needs together and he was open to every idea we came up with. We are grateful for how much he stood for us at the wedding: first he looked wide-eyed at our particular drinking game concept, but he executed it with great enthusiasm and thus hyped up the party even more. He helped us solve some issues with the bridal dress, paid attention to every detail that came up and his ice-breaker games proved to be amazing, too.
Tudja, hogy mi kell a népnek az egyszer biztos!
Mi nagyon köszönjük neki, hogy ekkora profizmussal vitte végig a nagy napunkat és okozott nekünk felejthetetlen pillanatokat az ötleteivel (a személyes kedvenceim közé tartozik a táncpárbaj és a szertartásra írt fogadalmak, amiket ott olvastunk fel először mindenki előtt). Nagyon-nagyon szépen köszönünk mindent Péternek és tiszta szívvel ajánljuk mindenkinek, aki az esküvője napján csak bulizni akar minél kevesebb problémával a nyakán.