The Element of Surprise

— Szandi & Robi

Szandi and Robi’s wedding was a brilliant party, thus we had to have an element of surprise in it, too.

Szandi has long dreamt of his groom to prove his love in front of her audience, so the foot recognition game was a huge success. Still, the biggest hit of the day was yet to come – and we had kept it in secret with Robi since we first met.

When Hungary’s number one singer, the fantastic Ferenc Molnár ’Caramel’, popped on the stage in the right moment to give a private concert to the bride we had such an emotional catharsis that was truly exceptional even with wedding standards.

Peter helped us a great deal with his experience: We had several meetings to discuss the schedule and the games, plus he coordinated our wedding from the beginning until the end.

We could completely rely on him and he created a superb atmosphere, nonetheless. I fully recommend him if you seek a professional wedding mc who is not too much, nor too little.

— Szandi & Robi
— Harriet & Max
Virag & Stephen —