Seacoast bliss

— Szilvi & Gábor

Now let me give you our very first Hungarian designed elopement wedding project imagined and executed by an upcoming wedding planner crew called Arte Amare. On our second visit to Krk, Croatia we put together, conducted and filmed this wonderful wedding ceremony experience exclusively for our sweet couple who made the trip with us. No rehearsals, no gimmicks, only pure emotions, but an absolute first try from our team together. Look out for Arte Amare for more.

In case you’re looking for an amazing emcee we recommend Peter with complete sincerity and commitment. He involved our sweetest and most beloved moments from our life in a wholesome story of the day. His witty style met solemn and deep vibes at the ceremony, so we could truly give ourselves to our emotions. We are wholeheartedly grateful for this experience and Peter we wish you many happy couples feeling such bliss you gave us on this magnificent day!

— Szilvi & Gábor
— Harriet & Max
Virag & Stephen —