Refreshing at Etyek

— Timó & Gábor

Gábor proposed to Timó at a winery trip at Lake Balafon, and they wanted this cultural motif to appear in their wedding theme, so for this reason we organized the ceremonies and the celebration to take place in Etyek, which is famous for its vineyards. These two lovebirds are a sophisticated and nice couple who are so easy going and fun-loving that it was really easy to make them happy.

I look back on this wedding with rejoice because the atmosphere was refreshing, the games were bonkers and the guests loveable. I would do it again any time with this great staff!

Thank you Peter for your help from planning to execution. We are very grateful for taking all the burdens off our shoulders. The games were fun and the night ran smooth. All we had to do was give ourselves to the pleasures. Thank you once again!

— Timó & Gábor
— Harriet & Max
Virag & Stephen —