Enchanted Wedding

— Tünde & Józsi

Tünde and Józsi’s whole life is about taking care of others: they operate a riding hall, keep several animals and teach horseback riding for kids. Thus it was obvious that we should have the wedding ceremony at their place, so first we built an enchanting environment based around the wonderful atmosphere of the location.

Then record breaking number of young riders showed up to be maids of honor – they all wanted to be part of the miracle how the Happy Couple ties the knot. All this happened to take place on the hottest day of summer, so apart from the joy of the newlyweds, guests could immerse themselves in the wide range of icecold homemade drinks and wet towels.

Thank you for always being wherever we needed you: you were holding the bride’s dress, you had the petal baskets at the ready, handed out tissues at the ceremony and brought refreshments for us in the scorching heat at the photoshoot, which literally saved our lives.
We are thankful for keeping the 20+ maids of honor together in one group, for having everyone arrive everywhere on time and find their places on the bus. We couldn’t have done it without you.
Thank you for ensuring the smooth running of the reception and that you took an active role in all the preparations. We recommend you for everyone who is looking for a great MC!

— Tünde & Józsi
— Harriet & Max
Virag & Stephen —