Enchanted Wedding

— Barbi & Geri

Barbi and Geri are truly mesmerizing together and they have long since known that their future is one, thus decided to invite all those who are closest to their heart to share this miracle with. Their venue of course had to be of enchanting beauty, yet lofty and grand, so with the help of Bogi Maradi-Kisdéry they chose Le Til Mansion, for the reason that its mystery and grandeur is the perfect match to how these two lovebirds treat each other: they are princess and prince to one another with a modern plot twist – so as to break away from everything that’s too ordinary. They are the couple from fairytales and I had an amazing time being the narrator of the first chapter of their love story as newlyweds.

Dear Peter,
We would like to thank you once again for your service. You were confident, energetic, helpful and reliable, but you never went overboard. You did excellent as our mc, entertainer, stylist and wedding coordinator. You were also great as our game host, photography assistant and stage manager for the day, since you got on perfectly with our wedding crew and you were awesome with our guests, too. So thanks a bunch for everything – it was just so wonderful! We had an amazing time. We will recommend you to everyone!

— Barbi & Geri
— Harriet & Max
Virag & Stephen —