Birthday at Christmas

— Zsuzsi & Tibi

Not only was it the exclusive Christmas date that made Zsuzsi and Tibi’s wedding so extraordinary, but also that fact that the groom was just celebrating his 50th birthday this day. That is why we rather went for a groom’s dance since everyone wanted to have their turn with Tibi. On the other hand, in order to please Zsuzsi and a jury of the girls, the boys prepared with a beauty contest of socks. Here the award winning pair was one with the naughtiest of captions, so I’d rather leave it to your imagination.

We also decorated the tree and made pledges for the couple on some plates. Unfortunately not all of them landed where they should have, but it was great fun for the guests nonetheless. Zsuzsi and Tibi were as cool as could be: they drank palinka from the ground, shredded the cake into pieces and totally let their hair down, so they both got their wooden hearts as tokens of love. One thing is for sure, I have never seen such a guy so much in love like Tibi. Congratulations for your beautiful wife, sir! And as for you, Zsuzsi, lots of love and wish you all the best! What a birthday!

We are grateful that you masterfully conducted our super-unique Birthday and Christmas themed wedding.

— Zsuzsi & Tibi
— Rebeka & Zoli
Aliz & Chris —