A real blast

— Zsuzsi & Attila

Zsuzsi and Attila dreamed of having an elegant wedding at Danubius Grand Hotel, Budapest, which for the most part was executed this time by the fantastic Alida Wedding. I took control on the wedding day, and after making everyone feel touched by the moving moments of the ceremony, I was lucky enough to coordinate such a party that was a real blast all the way through.

Now these guests could really feel the flow, so at the end even I got carried away.

You payed attention to every detail and helped to create a wonderful atmosphere on our special day. We got to know you as a youthful, polite and open person who was in perfect sync with our guests. You made a great team with the photographer and the other staff. Thank you so much again for always being there for us!

— Zsuzsi & Attila
— Harriet & Max
Virag & Stephen —